IYE! Indonesia Young Entrepreneurship

Indonesia Young Entrepreneurship adalah ajang komunikasi bagi kawula muda Indonesia yang berjiwa Entrepreneur
baik yang sudah memulai bisnisnya, maupun yang sedang bersiap2 menjadi pengusaha

visi: sebanyak2nya pengusaha muda yg prima & etis di Indonesia

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Why No Singaporeans in BusinessWeek's Asia's Best Young Entrepreneur

Not bad, Indonesia is the second on list, tinggal tambahin beberapa anggota IYE!, maka Indonesia will be the top of the list.
Rekans IYE! siapa dari antara kita yang akan menambah daftar panjang Young Entrepreneurs Indonesia di ajang Internasional? Ayo ikuti semua kompetisi Young Entrepreneurship tingkat dunia, tidak akan ada ruginya. Bahkan akan menambah wawasan dan jejaring bisnis kita. Juga makin meningkatkan kesadaran kita akan Entrepreneurship.

salam IYE!

We all love lists, don’t we? OK, I love lists and maybe it is just me but BusinessWeek released an interesting list of Asia’s Best Young Entrpreneurs and surprise surprise there is not even one Singaporean in the list. On the other hand, Hong Kong that is comparable to Singapore in many ways have three of their entrepreneurs in the list.
Singapore Government does a lot to promote entrepreneurship and setting up a business or a company in Singapore is a breeze. However, upon closer examination it is evident that entrepreneurship cannot just thrive solely on Governmental support. It is a mindset. It thrives in an environment where trying and failing is better than not trying at all. On the other hand, in countries like India where there is little Government support and lots of red tape, entrepreneurship seems to be flourishing. In this list, India leads the pack with 7 entrepreneurs.
You may argue that India has a vast population and it is only natural that they dominate the list but I question why doesn’t the same argument hold true in sports, for example, where Indians are pathetic. Before you flame me (those who don’t know me), I’m a Singaporean PR of Indian origin but in seriousness, there are many questions that arise. How does one change the mindset of individuals (including mine) and create an environment where trying and failing is better than not venturing out at all?


IYE! Indonesia Young Entrepreneurship is a corporate social responsibility activity of Wiloto Corp. Indonesia Young Entrepreneurship adalah ajang komunikasi bagi kawula muda Indonesia yang berjiwa Entrepreneur

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Reuters: Business News